Această colecție cuprinde documente (inclusiv materiale ale procesului penal) referitoare la grupul cunoscut sub numele de "Frontul Național Patriotic ", care sunt păstrate în prezent în Arhiva Națională a Republicii Moldova (ANRM). Aceste materiale au fost transferate la ANRM de la Arhiva Serviciului de Informații și Securitate al Republicii Moldova (fosta Arhivă a KGB-ului). Acest grup a fost activ în Republica Sovietică Socialistă Moldovenească (RSSM), la sfârșitul anilor 1960 și începutul anilor 1970, fiind singura organizație importantă din RSSM care propaga un mesaj clar și coerent de opoziție față de regim.
Chișinău Strada Gheorghe Asachi 67, Moldova
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The Ukrainian Museum-Archives in Cleveland, OH contains a hidden world-class archival collection amassed over the last century. Founded in 1952 by Ukrainian WWII refugees, the materials document the lives and struggles of multiple generations against communism. The museum-archive took on the mission of preserving Ukrainian culture at a time when it was being destroyed in the Soviet Union, assembling a vast collection of books, periodicals, photographs, ephemera, diplomatic papers and other materials that document a century of struggle. This is a unique institution that spans international borders, but is simultaneously integrated into an urban American neighborhood. The collection is based in Cleveland’s historic Tremont neighborhood and attracts partners like the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, and other institutions interested in digitizing its hidden gems.
Cleveland Kenilworth Avenue 1202, United States of America 44113
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The collection of incomplete investigative files at the National Archives of Estonia is an extensive, though partial, set of investigative files about people who were persecuted during the Soviet period. A significant part of the collection is made up of the files of persecuted cultural figures. The cases included in this collection were still open when the KGB was liquidated in 1991.
Tartu Nooruse 3, Estonia 50411
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A special music collection was created by two librarians in a public library in Budapest. This unique repository was established in the branch library of the Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library (Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár, FSZEK). The librarians maneuvered among the barriers of the regime and utilized a loophole which allowed them to copy music recordings. The collection consists of recordings of contemporary Western music and alternative Hungarian bands. The materials reflect the tastes of the librarians.
Budapest Király utca 5, Hungary 1042
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Collection gathered by Michał Guć is an extensive set of Polish postage stamps and envelopes which were disseminated in the "second circuit" in the 1980s. Stamps were a form of expressing support for the "Solidarity" and the patriotic opposition. They were created both by proffesional artists and by amateur activists. A very interesting part of the collection are the stamps created by the strikes' participants and the prisoners of the internment camps. Michał Guć has one of the biggest collections in Poland which he managed to assemble thanks to his personal engagement in democratic changes.
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