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Fond Milana Knížáka v Památníku národního písemnictví

Milan Knížák

The personal collection of Milan Knížák (born 1940), a Czech artist, poet and founder of the group Aktual, contains unique books of the events organised by Aktual, one of the sources mapping the life of the provocative artist, the Czechoslovak underground and alternative art of the 1960s.


  • Strahovské nádvoří 1, 118 38 Praha 1 - Hradčany, Czech Republic
    Vezi harta


  • Cehă

Numele colecției

  • Knížák Milan

Originea colecției și activitățile culturale reprezentate

Descrierea conținutului

  • The Milan Knížák Collection in the Museum of Czech Literature consists of two manuscripts of his books – art objects, connected with actions of the group Aktual from 1962–1969. It is a valuable source documenting the Czechoslovak underground and alternative art of the 1960s.

Conținutul colecției

  • alte opere de artă (în afară de pictură, sculptură, grafică, etc.): 0-9


Acoperirea geografică actuală

  • național

Data fondării

  • 1965

Locul fondării

Tipul de acces

  • accesibil cu permisiune

Autorul(ii) acestui articol

  • Kůželová, Michaela

Lista referințelor

Český rozhlas. 2016. "Milan Knížák: Největší avantgarda je svoboda, a tu dnešní umění nemá." Last modified June 20. 2018. "Literární archiv Památníku národního písemnictví - Knížák Milan." Accessed September 7.

Česká televize. 2018. "Fenomén underground: Aktual. Milan Knížák." Accessed August 29. 

The description of this collection was created with the kind help of the director of the Museum of Czech Literature (PNP) Mgr. Zdeněk Freisleben, the head of the Literary Archive of the PNP PhDr. Tomáš Pavlíček, PhD., and the curator of the Literary Archive of the PNP PhDr. Petr Kotyk.

Milan Knížák. 2018. "Životopis." Accessed August 29.

PNP. 2018. Výroční zpráva 2017." Accessed July 11.

Kotyk, Petr, interview by Kůželová, Michaela, May 24, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-03-05 09:52:49