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“Without a Trace? The Camp Belene 1949-1959 and After…”, 2009. Exhibition, round table and publication

Poster of the Exhibition БЕЗ СЛЕДА? Лагерът „Белене“ 1949 – 1959 и след това…


  • Sofia 1000, 1, Prince Alexander I Sqr.
    Vezi harta

Primul an al evenimentului

  • 2009

Actori principali

Documente despre eveniment

  • Znepolski, Ivaylo. Bez sleda?: Lagerat "Belene" 1949-1959 i sled tova [“Without a Trace? The Camp Belene 1949-1959 and After...”]. Sofia: Inst. za Izsledvane na Blizkoto Minalo, 2009.

Autorul(ii) acestui articol

  • Kasabova, Anelia Dr.
2018-07-25 19:32:20