Michalski, Krzysztof
Krzysztof Michalski was a Polish philosopher and the founder and long-term rector of Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna. Michalski studied philosophy at the University of Warsaw and graduated in 1974 with a dissertation on Heidegger. He was inspired, among others, by Czech phenomenologist Jan Patočka, with whom he consulted on his dissertation. He spent 1977-1978 as a Humboldt Fellow in West Germany. From 1981 to 1982 he co-chaired post-graduate courses at the Interuniversity Centre in Dubrovnik and was a Thyssen Fellow at the University of Heidelberg. He was also a Visiting Fellow of the Churchill College at Cambridge University (1982–1983) and a Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the University of Vienna (1984–1985). In 1982 he founded Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna and became its first rector. He held this position until his death in 2013. The IWM is an independent institute for advanced study in the humanities and social sciences aiming at promoting intellectual exchange between East and West, between academia and society, and between a variety of disciplines and schools of thought. As a founder and rector of this Institute, Michalski significantly help to disseminate Patočkaʼs philosophical legacy abroad and to bring his thinking to the Western audience. In 1986, Michalski was appointed an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Warsaw. In 1990, he became Professor of Philosophy at Boston University, and in 1994 Professor at University of Warsaw. He specialised mainly in Heideggerʼs and Gadamerʼs writing, and later those of Husserl and Nietzsche. He occupied many scientific and social functions – he was, among other things, chairman of the Institute for Public Affairs in Warsaw, and president of the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study. In the Polish and world intellectual milieu, he was perceived as a respected scientist, who, as pointed out by his colleagues Ira Katznelson and Claus Offe, was “reminding others of the need for the virtues of ʻdecencyʼ and ʻcourageʼ.”
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Lista referințelor
Katznelson, Ira, and Claus Offe. 2012/2013. "A True Citizien of the World." IWMpost, No. 111: 16. Accessible at http://www.iwm.at/wp-content/uploads/Nachruf_Offe_Katznelson_IWMpost_111.pdf.
Chvatík, Ivan. 2013. "Smrtí velkého Poláka Krzysztofa Michalského ztrácí hodně i česká filozofie." Last modified February 18. http://zpravy.idnes.cz/smrti-velkeho-polaka-krzysztofa-michalskeho-ztraci-hodne-i-ceska-filosofie-1b6-/zpr_archiv.aspx?c=A130218_174504_kavarna_chu.
IWM. 2017. "Krzysztof Michalski." Accessed September 16. http://www.iwm.at/the-institute/permanent-fellows/krzysztof-michalski/.
2019-01-17 12:55:33