Palcr, Zdeněk
Zdeněk Palcr was a Czech sculptor, restorer and art theoretician. He graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague (1945-1950). After his studies and his compulsory military service he worked as a restorer. He was a member of the Máj 57 (May 57) group, which was inspired by Czech and international modernist traditions. Palcr exhibited his work at all of the group exhibitions until 1964. He also participated in several international symposia and exhibitions. His first solo exhibition was at the New Hall Gallery in Prague in 1970. He also designed film posters. Creating sculptures became a spiritual matter for Palcr, which was why he refused to exhibit his work and why he did not want to make a living through sculpture. From the 1970s he looked at formulation in art theory – his writings were then published in the 1990s.
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Lista referințelor 2019. "Zdeněk Palcr." Accessed January 9.
Horová, Anděla, ed. 1995. Nová encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění. Sv. 2 N–Ž. Praha: Academia, 597–598.
Malý, Zbyšek, and Alena Malá, eds. 2002. Slovník českých a slovenských výtvarných umělců 1950-2002 Sv. 10 Nov–Pat. Ostrava: Výtvarné centrum Chagall, 282–283.
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