Medek, Mikuláš
Mikuláš Medek was a Czech artist and the grandson of the impressionist painter Antonín Slavíček. After the Second World War he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and at the Academy of Applied Arts. However, during the purges after February 1948 he was forbidden from studying as he was the son of the Czechoslovak legionnaire, First Republic general and writer Rudolf Medek. In the 1950s he worked as an auxiliary labourer. He was able to become a member of the Union of Czechoslovak Artists with the liberalization of the regime in the 1960s. During this period he began to exhibit both at home and abroad, and worked on public commissions. He became a banned artist once more after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. His work was inspired by surrealism, existentialism and informalism (structural abstraction). His brother was the well-known journalist Ivan Medek (1925–2010). His wife was the photographer Emila Medková (1928–1985).
Locul nașterii
Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
Autorul(ii) acestui articol
Lista referințelor
Morganová, Pavlína, Dagmar Svatošová, and Jiří Ševčík, eds. 2001. České umění 1938-1989: (programy, kritické texty, dokumenty). Praha: Academia, 2001. 2019. "Mikuláš Medek." Accessed January 9., 2008. "Mikuláš Medek." Last modified December 25.
2019-01-17 12:52:55