The Vajda Lajos Studio was established in 1972 (officially as part of the József Attila Cultural House) as a circle of visual artsists interested in experimental practices. The cohesion of the group originates from the genius loci, their relation to Szentendre and its progressive artistic traditions.
Since 1973 they operate a gallery in a baroque cellar in Szentendre, where they regularly arrange exhibitions, performances, concerts and other related events. During the years several new generations of artists tied to Szentendre joined VLS.
From 1990 VLS functions as an association, independent, but legally more formalized. Its current members are: Aknay, János; Almási, Gertrúd; Baksai, József; Balogh, István Vilmos; Bán, Miklós; Benkovits, Balázs; Benkovits, Bálint; Bereznai, Péter; Borgó György, Csaba; Bukta, Imre; Csató, Máté; Csontó, Lajos; Deim, Péter; Frózsi-Nánássy, Tibor; Gosztola, Gábor; Győrffy, Sándor; Holdas, György; Horányi, Sándor; Hudák, Mariann; Imre, Mariann; Kis Tóth, Ferenc; Kótai, Tamás; Kovács, Benedek; Krizbai, Sándor; fe Lugossy, László; Márkus, Péter; Margit, Szabolcs; Megyer, Márta; Mikó F., László; Nagy, Barbara; Novotny, Tihamér; Pacsika, Rudolf; Petrovity, Sándor; Selényi, Károly István; Szirtes, János; Szuromi, Imre; Tóth, Eszter; Tóth, István; Ungár, Ágnes; Sz. Varga, Ágnes Kabó; Várnagy, Ildikó; Vincze, Ottó; ef Zámbó, István.
Current representatives: Takács Gábor (vice chair), Vincze Ottó (chair)