Fond Ladislava Mňačka v Památníku národního písemnictví
The collection of Ladislav Mňačko (1919–1994), a Slovak writer and former prominent Czechoslovak journalist, consists of unique correspondence, manuscripts, prints and clippings which help to describe the life of this significant writer, who after August 1968 was a critic of the communist regime and a representative of Czechoslovak exile literature.
Pelléova 20/70, 160 00 Praha 6 - Bubeneč, Czech Republic
Vezi harta -
Strahovské nádvoří 1, 118 38 Praha 1 - Hradčany, Czech Republic
Vezi harta
- Cehă
- Germană
- Slovacă
Numele colecției
- Mňačko Ladislav
Originea colecției și activitățile culturale reprezentate
Descrierea conținutului
The collection of Ladislav Mňačko in the Museum of Czech Literature consists of documents, correspondence, manuscripts, prints, clippings and pictures. It is made up of 27 archive boxes. The Museum of Czech Literature also administers Ladislav Mňačko’s study; it is exhibited in the Little Villa and contains authentic equipment from Mňačko’s study, including his library.
Conținutul colecției
- fotografii: unknown quantity
- manuscrise (memorii, jurnale, note, scrisori, ciorne, etc ): 1000-
- mobilă: 10-99
- publicații: 1000-
Acoperirea geografică actuală
- internațional
Data fondării
- 1998
Locul fondării
Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
Vezi harta
Evenimente importante în istoria colecției
Piese remarcabile
Tipul de acces
- accesibil cu permisiune
Autorul(ii) acestui articol
- Kůželová, Michaela
Lista referințelor
Památník národního písemnictví. 2018. "Pracovna Ladislava Mňačka." Accessed October 12.
Literárne Informačné Centrum. 2018. "Ladislav Mňačko." Accessed October 11. 2008. "Mňačko se za pravdu pral všemi prostředky." (Interview with Jozef Leikert by František Cinger). Last modified October 1.
Česká televize. 2009. "Slovenský spisovatel Ladislav Mňačko odešel...". Last modified February 24.
Pečinka, Bohumil. 2009. "Ladislav Mňačko." Last modified February 5.
Památník národního písemnictví. 2018. Výroční zpráva 2017." Accessed July 11.
The description of this collection was created with the kind help of the director of the Museum of Czech Literature (PNP) Mgr. Zdeněk Freisleben, the head of the Literary Archive of the PNP PhDr. Tomáš Pavlíček, PhD., and the curator of the Literary Archive of the PNP PhDr. Petr Kotyk.
Leikert, Jozef. 2007. Taký bol Ladislav Mňačko: v historickom kontexte do roku 1968. Brno: Onufrius.
Kotyk, Petr, interview by Kůželová, Michaela, May 24, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection